Floor Mommersteeg Works

Floor Mommersteeg

B. 1962, The Netherlands


1987 | 1992     Gerrit Rietveld Academy, Amsterdam, NL
1981 | 1985     Vakschool schoonhoven, goldsmith, Schoonhoven, NL


Floor Mommersteeg constructs airy, transparent shapes out of nylon wire, a strong and sturdy material with a glasslike sparkle, which can be tinted in the hues of the air and the sea. The shapes she designs are becoming more organic and free, their wire-structures densify or loosen up and flow around the body. The pin made by Floor seem to have grown like cell; her bracelets are reminiscent of clumped up crystals, her colliers of clotted lava. Her jewellery pieces seem to capture moments in a dynamic process.


By Paul Derrez