Katja Prins Works

Katja Prins

B.1970, The Netherlands


1993 | 1997      Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam, NL
1989 | 1993      MTS Vakschool, Schoonhoven, NL


My work is about the (intimate) relationship between human bodies and mechanic devices, (medical) technology and industry. With my work I want to tell stories about the body, the body as an instrument, as a machine - instruments/machines as extensions of the body.

I'm also fascinated by the way we manipulate our bodies. These days our body is something we can change, sculpt. Our body as an extension of our mind, always in relationship with its surroundings and environment. After all, Man, more in particular his body, is the measure of all things.

My ambition is that people will discover their own stories through my work, therefore I steer clear of too many explanations and clarifications. Shapes and materials are never unequivocal and one can interpret them in different ways.